About Us
We are dedicated to bringing Bubble Tea to events around Melbourne, Sydney and soon Australia!
Our freshly-brewed Bubble Tea is pre-brewed and delivered straight to your function. Whether it's a meeting, birthday or even a wedding, we will cater to your needs.

Who We Are
We are a group of friends who started working together at a bubble tea franchise a few years ago. At the time we were all attending university and went to our fair share of events; where we noticed that there was one big thing missing. BUBBLE TEA! Since then we've developed a goal to bring fresh and affordable bubble tea to events around Melbourne so that everyone can experience the joy of bonding over our favourite drink.
Our Promise
With a background in event organisation, we know that every event is unique. That’s why we customise every one of our plans to fit your needs exactly. Whether it’s a custom sticker design for your cups, bubble tea service stand at your event or preparation for allergies, we’ll listen to your requests and prepare a customised order to serve your event to the highest possible standard.